Unity Event Form

Tip: leave blank if ongoing

Tip: Don't forget to designate AM or PM

Tip: Don't forget to designate AM or PM

Special Set-up Instructions: Provide a diagram if different from Unity's daily set-up, please give to the Unity Business Manager in person or email to UnityVero@gmail.com

Please reach out to the following Team leaders to coordinate your event


Kitchen Usage-Cindy London @ 772-538-5161, cindysuelondon@gmail.com

Sanctuary Table and Chairs set-up-

Audio/Visual Technology-Laura Lane @ 772-473-2690, laklane.vbeach@gmail.com

Marketing-Christy Brawner and Lisa Lindner (please reach out to both as they do different things.) christybrawner1@gmail.com, Lisa is unityvero@gmail.com